Mengenai Saya

Jl. Kucing Terbang, Kecamatan Burung Jalan, Kabupaten Layang-layang, Tangerang/Banten, Indonesia
Kacamataan, item sawo matang (hahaha), kurus seksi, rada2 sikspek, 13 tahun (kok jadinya kyk promosi di koran lokal ya?), seneng dengerin lagu, MU asli, benci sinetron abal "PCTI", "ECTV", ama "BNC TV", suka ngamuk sendiri (kayak kambing di pasar),pernah musuhan parah banget, SEMPET benci sahabat deket gw, GirilokaMan, suka shuffling ama nyanyi tapi ga bisa. NOH, PROFIL GW! PUAS LU?

Senin, 22 November 2010

Bayogrefi (Biography)

Umm...I guess this is my biography. It goes like this...
My name is Caraka Canakya Putra. My friends call me Dado. It started when I was born in January 1998. My brother walked out from the bedroom, and search for Dado. My grandma asked, "Who's Dado?". He replied, "The new born baby!". No one knows how he could get that name. Even himself. Until now and forever.
I like to watch movies, especially Steven Spielberg's movies. He's good you know. The best of all. I wish I could become just like him. It will be good. My other hobby is photography and graphic design, like photo, movie, or song editing. I have created some songs. But it's instrumental and digitally created, because my only instrument is a recorder. Quite fun, because I can express the way I feel when I created the song.
I'm (not) enjoying 7th grade right now. But my best year was 6th grade, because it was the time when i meet my fellow best friends. But after that year, I was hit by projects, homeworks, and hard-to-catch lessons. I used to be good at math, but make my grade fell all the way down.
Well, that's it.

I am the king of my own world. I can do anything. But I still have limits.

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