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Jl. Kucing Terbang, Kecamatan Burung Jalan, Kabupaten Layang-layang, Tangerang/Banten, Indonesia
Kacamataan, item sawo matang (hahaha), kurus seksi, rada2 sikspek, 13 tahun (kok jadinya kyk promosi di koran lokal ya?), seneng dengerin lagu, MU asli, benci sinetron abal "PCTI", "ECTV", ama "BNC TV", suka ngamuk sendiri (kayak kambing di pasar),pernah musuhan parah banget, SEMPET benci sahabat deket gw, GirilokaMan, suka shuffling ama nyanyi tapi ga bisa. NOH, PROFIL GW! PUAS LU?

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

My Powerful Opinion On Indonesian Movie Theater Business.

Indonesia. The 4th largest populated country in the world. If a country have

many citizens, then the country must have many theaters, right? That is not

Indonesia. Movie theaters only available in large, metropolitan cities like Jakarta or

Surabaya. How can it keep up with the production of movies that keeps getting

bigger and bigger? And how can people have something different to watch than

TV's soap operas?.
    In Indonesia, there are 2 major movie theater chains. It were the 21Cineplex

and Blitzmegaplex. In the newspapers, movie advertising only appeared on the last

3 pages of it. And local newspaper even did not show any advertisement about

movie theaters. Since this have happened for years, people starts to lose their

interest in watching movies. They prefer watching dramas and reality shows on the

television. Compared to the United States, we lack of interest in local movies. In the

US, they show movie trailers during commercial breaks on TV.

    If we want to gain people interest in watching movies in the movie theaters,

probably you might think of making more movie studios. However, that is not

enough. We also have to make people aware of the new movies that just came up.

Make a huge billboard. Get their attention. And the last method of getting people's

attention is by showing local movie trailers on TV, just like what they did in the

United States.

    Buying an original movie is so hard for people in Indonesia, because it is

expensive and have the same quality with pirated DVDs. Because of that, they

prefer waiting for those pirated DVDs to be in the store and buy them, rather than

watching the movie in the theaters. By reducing the price of an original movie,

maybe people can start to buy them and notice how good they are. And because

they have notice how good the movies are, maybe they could start waiting for new

movies to appear on the theaters, not cheap pirated DVDs.

    Oh yeah, by the way Indonesian movie directors LOVE to make cheap horror

movies with some pretty teenagers being scared by the ghost. Why? Why do they

love making that? I read an interview by Kompas newspaper a few week ago about

a famous Indonesian horror movie director. She says that, "We have a huge market

on Hong Kong, Vietnam, Myanmar, and Cambodia. They loved to watch

Indonesian horror. So, i give them their movies.". How can a movie with some porn

elements in it get pass through the censors? People like something different, and

by different i mean different genres. Start making action movies. I guarantee you

can get people's attention to watch movies.

    In the end, we have people's attention. To support that, we have to make more

movie theaters. And that is how to finish this lack of movie theaters problem. I

believe this can revive the long lost industry of Indonesian moviemaking.

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