Mengenai Saya

Jl. Kucing Terbang, Kecamatan Burung Jalan, Kabupaten Layang-layang, Tangerang/Banten, Indonesia
Kacamataan, item sawo matang (hahaha), kurus seksi, rada2 sikspek, 13 tahun (kok jadinya kyk promosi di koran lokal ya?), seneng dengerin lagu, MU asli, benci sinetron abal "PCTI", "ECTV", ama "BNC TV", suka ngamuk sendiri (kayak kambing di pasar),pernah musuhan parah banget, SEMPET benci sahabat deket gw, GirilokaMan, suka shuffling ama nyanyi tapi ga bisa. NOH, PROFIL GW! PUAS LU?

Senin, 02 Mei 2011

What Is Descriptive Writing? What Is It? Is It Good? Oh, just read this post.

Descriptive Writing

Descriptive Writing is a writing method that is used to explain an object. It uses real fact, and is more official. Usually it is used by an author or writer to create a sense of feeling or help the reader to imagine what is the author explaining about. Like when J.K. Rowling wrote about the fictive Harry Potter in 1993, she described him as an intelligent, brave, and courage young pre-teenager that have a lot of confrontations. When it was published, it generated a major success and "Wizard Fever" all around the world. So a little method can create a huge impact on our writings.

Sensory Details

Sensory Details is what authors use to generate the scene in the readers mind. It explain all the touches, sounds, sights, smells, or taste that the character senses during the story.  It basically put the reader inside the story, since they can imagine what is it like to get inside the story. It is really useful when you're writing a narrative story or fictive writings. Well, i guess that's all i can say in this post. Stay tuned, goodbye, HAVE A WONDERFUL DAY!

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